MaytRx 6" Double-Sided Split Face Wall Plus

  • $18.75
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Price is per Square Foot

MaytRx 6 Wall Unit
in Split Face

Onyx/Natural shown

Actual Size (inches) ALL: 6H x 10D

                                A: 10W / 12W * B: 10W / 6W * X: 8W / 4W * Y: 10W / 8W

Face SF Per Pallet Single Sided 33.4

Designed to be sold by Full Cube or Layer. Double sided: 7.09 Face SF Per Layer

                                                                    Single Sided: 8.35 Face SF Per Layer

Weight Per Pallet: 2,960 Lbs

Weight Per Cube (lbs)

Degrees From Vertical 0

Units Per Pallet A: 20 B: 20 X: 20 Y:20